Design Teams

Monday, June 15, 2015

1st Time Using A Grid

Hello, and Happy Monday!  The start of a brand new week.
I'm starting mine off by showing you my latest new experience with my parchment craft progress.  I have seen some LOVELY designs and found out that they were made with grids.  So, I decided to order one and see how they work.  Well, I can tell you it was sheer pleasure!  It made things a lot easier, but not without it's mishaps - such as having your tool slip out of the hole in the grid you are using.  I also found that the GREAT Perga Cutter sniper tool I bought was worth every penny I paid for it!  My edges look soooo much better!  And as always, the key was take it slow and relax!  My project has several mistakes, but over all I was pretty satisfied.

So now it's onward and upward, more practice and more fun!  I have all my correct tools, good lighting and a comfy chair at my desk.  I couldn't ask for more!  
I'm a very happy camper!

Happy Crafting, and have a great week!


  1. This is awesome Joanne! What a patience you need for this, but it is looking fab! Hugs, Cindy

  2. OMG Jo, this is exquisite. You are coming on in leaps and bounds. Can't find your mistakes at all :o)
    Jackie xx

    Yes the cutters make all the difference don't they.
    Mistakes!!!!! NO - happy accidents that you did deliberately to make your work unique ;-)
    Have fun :-)

  4. Fabulous Joanne, there will be no stopping you now you've got all the right clobber!
    hugs Jacee
    Simply Paper Card Design

  5. Wow, you really did a masterful job. Very impressive, Joanne!


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